

I just wanted to jump on here for a second and empty some of what is in my head.
I don't have anything particularly brilliant or insightful today, I just wanted to say how thankful I am for my life and everyone in it.

On the news this morning, they were chatting back and forth about the holidays and whether or not people were ready. They mentioned that someone had posted on Facebook, that her family had already celebrated; the gifts were exchanged and all of the relatives had gone back home. The anchor woman said, "Wow it must be nice to be done with it already." I know that she probably didn't mean that the way it sounded, but it made me a little sad.
I love the anticipation of the holidays! 

Sure it's busier, but that just means that I have people in my life that I love, and love me back. 
Yeah, I'm pretty cash-poor this time of year, but I happily spend my last dime to get that perfect gift. Or stay up late to make that last batch of cookies. Or stand at the stove and stir until I think my arm might just pop off so that I can give away some caramels.

I don't like shopping, I don't like the bitter side of me that pops out when I think that people are taking advantage of everyone's holiday spirit. But I'm trying not to focus on that. And I certainly don't want the holidays to be over! As many of you know, I celebrated my birthday for a grand total of 7 weeks - I'm a celebration kind of gal.

At church this past weekend, our pastor, who lost both parents in a very short time, said that he remembered talking with his folks, or visiting them, and rather than treasuring that time together, he found himself thinking of things he needed to do later, and when he could leave or get off of the phone. He ended by saying that there were so many things that he would now give up, just to have one more conversation with either of them.

I know exactly how he feels. Exactly.

It's so easy to get caught up in our lives, and forget that there is someone standing right next to us, someone that won't be there forever, might not be there next year, or might even be taken away tomorrow.

As you're running around trying to figure out exactly how much time you have to spend here or there, take a second to remember why you're spending time where ever you are. Instead of thinking about when you can politely leave, forget about yourself and enjoy the company.

Merry Christmas to all of my family and friends!

I may not always be able to show it or say it, but I love you all and I'm thankful that you're a part of my life.

I don't believe in making New Year's Resolutions, but if I did, mine would be that I would be exactly the friend that you need me to be, and that I'd never be too busy to tell you that I love you.


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