
Friendship Application

It's been a while since I've written anything. This is mostly due to the fact that I really haven't felt like writing. And I can't think of anything important to say. I'm trying to learn to keep my mouth shut when nothing of value is going to come out of it...it's a long journey.

As most of you know, I think about friends and friendship a lot - probably too much. But human interactions fascinate me and I can't seem to focus on much else.
I thought it would be fun to create a "Best Friend Application". This was inspired by my son's girlfriend who presented him with an "Application to Date My Daughter" from her mother when they first started seeing each other. I thought it was very clever, and we had a blast filling it out. Most of his answers were inappropriate and untrue (I hope) but they were funny. The mother enjoyed them too - she must have because that was a few years ago and they're still dating.

That made me think about what kind of questions would go on this application and what sort of answers I'd like to see filled in.
I have a best friend (yeah I'm gushy and it's my husband) but I've never had much luck with 'girl' friends. Maybe I should have held open interviews and had them fill out applications!
I picture something like this:
Oh - if you're going to answer them...don't read ahead. 

  1. Name
  2. Birthday
  3. How many friends do you have already
  4. Do you have room for more
  5. Are you just adding me to your posse
  6. How many "best" friends have you had in your life
  7. Do you have any really deep dark secrets that you'll share with me later
  8. What's your favorite food
  9. Do you drink
  10. Do you smoke
  1. How do you feel about God
  1. How do you feel about how you feel about God
  2. Dogs or cats
  3. If I was in trouble, how late could I call you and expect you to answer the phone
  4. Referring to question 14, if you picked up the phone, would you also come to my rescue
  1. Referring to question 15, if you were to come get me, is there a mileage limitation (think pizza delivery area) or a cost limitation (think bail)
  1. If you were in trouble, how late would you think is too late to call me
  1. Referring to question 17, assuming you would call me, which call would I be (i.e. first, second...only after no one else picked up)
  1. If we were out in public and I picked a fight with someone that could obviously kill me, what would you do
  1. Same question as 19, but this time the other person picked the fight
  1. Assuming there is only one solution to all of life's troubles, what is it
  1. Are you a hugger
  1. Do you think everything is funny eventually
  1. If I told you to go away and leave me alone, would you
  2. Referring to question 24, if you answered yes, would you come back
  3. Favorite color
  4. My favorite thing in the whole world is something you hate more than anything else in your life, do you still go with me
  5. Referring to question 27, would you get mad at me if I won't do something you love but I hate
  6. Do you have any current friends that I can talk to for references
  7. If you have a fight with your spouse (or who ever) will I be expected to be mad at them too
  1. Referring to question 30, when you get back together or make up, are you going to be mad at me for agreeing with you when you were mad
  1. If I tell you I'm on a diet, what is your roll in that
  2. My pet just died, what do you do
  3. Your pet just died, what should I do
  1. Most important trait in the people in your life
  1. Why do want to be my friend

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