
Don't Wait for Monday

Weight Loss Journey Day 4 of 95

Today is Monday.
Perhaps the most dreaded day of the week. There are jokes and comments flying all day long. "I'm ok for a Monday" "Is it Friday yet?" "Mondays suck" we've all heard them all. But I try very hard not to say any of those things. I don't like to say things that make it sound like I’m wishing my life away. I want to be thankful for each and every day I'm given, and I don't want to spend my life waiting for this day to be over, or for another one to begin. Don't get me wrong, I look forward to things, and sometimes I can't help but wish a special event day was already upon me, but for every event I've ever looked forward to, there's always been a day after. The day where I think back and see that I spent days, weeks, or even months in anticipation of the event, then BOOM, it 's the next day and it's over. It's bittersweet of course, because after the event, I have the memories and maybe pictures, but it's also over and I don't have it to look forward to anymore.
Mondays have another ominous undertone. Monday is the socially accepted start of the week. So, that's when most people start anything new. I'll start my diet Monday. I'll start exercising Monday. I'll start saving for that trip Monday.
But, what happens on Monday when you sit down at your desk and hear the gleeful singing of "Happy Birthday" one isle over. At my company, we do morning birthdays - which means Breakfast Cake. Oh happy delicious breakfast cake. If you're not familiar with breakfast cake, it's a delight. It's birthday cake, served any time before 11:00am. Preferable completely consumed before lunch time, so that we can all head over to the Mexican restaurant to celebrate the beloved co-worker's birthday with chips and salsa. This means on any given birthday a person could have up to three pieces of breakfast cake before heading off to chimichangas with extra sour cream and all the free chips and salsa you can stuff into your face. Since joining my company three years ago, I have gained over 30 pounds.
Why? Is it because my co-workers aren't supportive and don't realize that I can't resist buttercream icing before noon? Is it because I sit at a desk all day, only getting up to get a snack? Is it because I work within about seven miles of any type of food I could possibly want, and I have an hour for lunch? No, I have to blame this one on Mondays.
See, I decide, normally on a Thursday that I'm going to start…something…on Monday. If Monday doesn't work out, it's sets the tone for the whole week and I just plan to start next Monday. Sometimes Monday does work out, I start my plan and I stick to it. One time, I stuck to it for three whole weeks! Then, one Monday, I came in to work, there were doughnuts. No problem, I'm going to the gym at lunch. Lunch time came and it was raining. The next day I went to lunch with a friend. The next day I had a meeting. The next day, I decided to start again next Monday.
I started this new journey on a Friday. I did not randomly (or even consciously) pick a Friday, it just happened to be Friday when I decided that I'd had enough. I've had enough waiting for Monday, then waiting for the right Monday. I've had enough food-slacker weekends. I've simply had enough.
I started Friday at my "starting weight." I ate well Friday - not great but well, I made small changes. At lunch I had a grilled chicken salad. I did not eat all of the bread and butter that the waitress very kindly placed on our table. I did have one piece, and it was multi-grain.
I ate pizza Saturday night with my family. But, rather than the super cheese - which is a deluxe with an extra 2 pounds of cheese - we had the deluxe. No, it wasn't a salad with fiber crunchies and no fat no sugar no taste dressing, but it was a little change. A small decision that meant I didn't spiral into a guilty eating cycle that would add a few extra pounds for me to try to work off on Monday.
I even had Dairy Queen. I had a small Blizzard. I have never, ever in my life ordered a small Blizzard, even though I can't finish a medium, but I made that one little change.  
I saw some results this weekend as well. I didn't drop 10 pounds, but I didn't gain an ounce.
So, today is Monday, I’m not starting anything, I'm continuing what I already started! 
I can't tell you how great it feels to have already started!!

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